Pax Porfiriana - General game info
Pax Porfiriana
2-5 players, 120 minutes, 12 years and older
AuthorsPhil Eklund
Matt Eklund
Jim Gutt
IllustratorPhil Eklund
Published bySierra Madre Games
Ion Game Design
Ediciones MasQueOca
Online since 2017-01-01
Developed by (Brer Bear)
Boardgamegeek128780 owns a license for the online version of this game. A big "thank you" to the copyright owners (publisher and/or author and illustrator) who make it possible to have this game for free online here!
Note: This online implementation uses slightly changed rules!
Current open invitations
Best players
Player TrueSkill*
Councillor kubigaruma 1313
Messenger tomasos 1312
Toolmaker barbanera 1269
Hermit mfwesq 1258
Macom priest Davebliz 1240
Astrologer Scholle 1231
Secretary jetasdaponte 1229
Architect golden_cow2 1214
Novitiate EmanuelCB 1209
Secretary Canales 1198
* Only ranking games count
Players with most games
Player Number of games*
Fisherman Srynerson 1323
Secretary Blueblood 873
Farmer SBGrad 731
Messenger senorcoo 413
Messenger ricpdx 413
Hermit RogerAstro 399
Hermit mfwesq 353
Toolmaker burmerd 279
Weaver LEOFRIX 272
Hermit zendracan 232
* Only ranking games count
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