Messina 1347 - General game info
Messina 1347
1-4 players, 45-120 minutes, 12 years and older
AuthorsVladimír Suchý (Vladimirs)
Raúl Fernández Aparicio
IllustratorMichal Peichl
Published byDelicious Games
Online since 2022-12-18
Developed by (Stonecrusher)
Boardgamegeek238799 owns a license for the online version of this game. A big "thank you" to the copyright owners (publisher and/or author and illustrator) who make it possible to have this game for free online here!
Current open invitations
Best players
Player TrueSkill*
Shopkeeper Davnick 1497
Itzamna alorak13 1477
Itzamna mjameson 1475
Secretary Arcanix 1471
Itzamna elenion211 1440
Builder bassano8 1420
Itzamna sto1 1395
Chilan priest satupeka 1389
Macom priest ACEPR 1382
Che-le Corwin007 1376
* Only ranking games count
Players with most games
Player Number of games*
Fisherman Elba 207
Builder peanuts 182
Weaver wroobelmarcin 109
Lay priest Don-Pedrinio 93
Weaver Democrite 82
Secretary Arcanix 79
Chilan priestess woerlinsel 73
Hermit sunnymama 73
Baker mr_minning 70
Baker calbente 69
* Only ranking games count
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